Zhuhai Dejian Computer Outside Equipment Co., Ltd. - (86-756-5160118)

Zhuhai Dejian Computer Outside Equipment Co., Ltd. is an international trader, it's from China and belongs to Computer etc. industries. (该公司是一家国际贸易商,来自中国,主营业务包括:计算机等行业。)

Enterprise Information (企业资料):

  • Company Name (公司名称):
Zhuhai Dejian Computer Outside Equipment Co., Ltd.
  • Country / Area (国家/地区):
China (中国)
  • Province (所在省/州):
Guangdong (广东)
  • City (所在城市):
zhuhai (珠海)
  • Industry Category (行业分类):
Computer (计算机) etc.
Contact Method(联系方式)

  • Contact Person (联系人员):
Ms. Terrie1Chen
  • Telephone (电话号码):
  • Fax Number (传真号码):
  • Address (办公地址):
1-3/F, Westof No.1 Workshop, Nanchao Industrial Zone, Inside Xinqing Tech.Industrial Park, Doumen, Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province, China
  • Postal Code (邮政编码):
  • Website (网站网址):
www.dejiantoner.com dejiantoner.en.alibaba.com

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